By Katherine Beeson
You’ve played the game; you’ve watched the movie. Now you need to see West Bend Theatre Company’s “Clue on Stage.” Directed by Jim Johnson, this production is clever, funny and very entertaining.
Most people know the movie plot inspired by the iconic game – six strangers are invited to the home of Mr. Boddy and were asked to assume different identities – Professor Plum, Ms. Scarlet – you know the rest. Once there, the proper butler, Wadsworth, offers drinks and dinner and a promise that Mr. Boddy will explain what is going on.
Suddenly victims are dropping like flies and the six guests, plus the butler and the French maid, decide to find the killer before the police arrive.
Colonel Mustard (Duncan Doherty), from left, Wadsworth (Ben Johnson) and Cook (Gracie Rinehard) in a scene from West Bend Theatre Company’s “Clue on Stage.”
This ensemble cast does a fantastic job of making these caricature-like people very believable and a lot of fun to watch. Wadsworth is played by Ben Johnson (reminding me of a young Rupert Everett) and moves the guests and the show along with proper butler-like aplomb. Duncan Doherty manages to portray Colonel Mustard without going overboard on pomposity. The rest of the players are great in their roles.
I liked the creativity of the scene changes using unexpected movements and lighting.
The stage spaces used to indicate various rooms was also really effective. As “Clue” devotees remember, there are a variety of “it could have happened like this” scenes and the rewinds leading to each explanation were great.
Kudos also to Jan Westphal, listed as musical director and, I assume, the show’s pianist, for adding so much to the atmosphere of the evening at Boddy Manor.
General note to new patrons to the Theater on the Hill at UW-Washington County: the road signs, once on the campus, say to stay right, but you would be better to turn left to the “school days permit” parking lot for an easy entrance to the theater. Otherwise, you will end up in another large parking lot but will have to walk through the building’s halls without any “Clue” signage to let you know you are in the right place. (It’s a bit of a walk, then up the stairs, then head to the vending machines and turn left.)
“Clue on Stage” runs through Oct. 16.